LEAP News & Links

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Book your place at Tuesday’s workshop on How to Enjoy Networking (& Be Good At It)

Perfect for anyone who finds networking awkward!

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/how-to-enjoy-networking-be-good-at-it-tickets-1075639349249
Welcome to our new LEAP cohort 👋 
We’re excited to be working with all of you!

Register now for Monday’s workshop on Overcoming Impostor Syndrome:

#impostorsyndrome #innercritic #selfbelief
There will be a drop-in session in the Junior Parlour on Wednesday (24th April) from 12.30-1.30 where 1st year undergrads can come and chat to LEAP staff and students informally about the LEAP programme. The application deadline for next year’s cohort is fast approaching, so this is a chance to ask questions and figure out if LEAP might be a good fit for you. Students from the first and second LEAP cohorts will be there to share their first-hand experience. No need to book, just show up!
Max received a LEAP grant to enable him to do a Mini Pupillage at 6 King’s Bench Walk. 

Read his blog at leap-prog.co.uk/max

Applications for the next LEAP cohort

Further information on timings, eligibility, how to apply